Ingredients for 15 apricots (30 halfs)
* 2 eggs
* 100 g sugar
* 100 ml oil
* some salt
* 1 envelope vanilla sugar
* 1 / 2 baking powder envelope
* Lemon peel
* Flour dough for a suitable hard
Ingredients for cream:
* 1 / 2 of the amount of cooked dough from the holes
* 250 g margarine
* 2 tablespoons coconut
* 3 tablespoons cocoa
* 3 tablespoons peanut (cut them small pices 2-3 mm)
* 3 tablespoons nuts (cut them small pices 2-3 mm)
romany essentially
* sugar to your taste
Ingredients for the decoration:
* Colouring: red, yellow, green
* Vanilla essence
* Sugar
Method of preparation:
For the dough:
Mix eggs with sugar, put salt, vanilla sugar, lemon peel and oil gradually. Add flour with baking powder and mix well. Mke small round balls, put them on abaking tin and put the it in the oven at small fire unitl they are cooked. Let it cool slightly. Are in the middle make one hole (at the part that was on the pan, at base; careful not to crumble and not out on the other side).
For the cream:
Mix ingredients for the cream. Do not put too much sugar in the cream as apricots give the sugar will be too sweet.
Fill each half with cream and stick two by two.
For decoration:
Place in 3 color plates (in one yellow, red in another and in the last one green) and put the essence of every color and mix a little.
In another plate put sugar.
Put the apricots in colouring: yellow, red, green and then in sugar.